General Director: Shunsuke Tada
Character Designs: Asami Watanabe
Story : Yuta Hoshitani enters Ayanagi Academy, a school renowned for music and showbiz, to follow a high school student he idolized. In the academy, there is a "musical department" that is the draw for the academy and the goal for all new students. The "Kaoukai" resided at the pinnacle of the academy, and consisted of the third-year students who were at the top of their class. To enter the musical department, the best shortcut was for a member of Kaoukai has to like you and grant you a special spot as a direct pupil, commonly called the "star spots"..... Though highly talented, each of their personal issues are putting the musical department candidate positions in jeopardy for Nayuki, Tsukigami, Tengenji, Kuga, as well as Hoshitani who is basically a novice. But these five are spotted by the Kaoukai's genius and strange member, Otori...? Curtain's up on an adolescent slapstick musical story!
About Kaoukai: A student council group consisting of the third year students with highest scores in the musical department for Ayanagi Academy. They have huge say within the academy that puts value in the individuality of students, and the academy guarantees the best support to back them up as musical actors once they graduate. The idol of all students. Before Hoshitani eentered the academy, there were only four, but Otori's admittance was decided so Kaoukai currently has five students residing as members.
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